bye bye blank website pages ! ready for launching! finally... .
after dealing with some self-doubt procrastination demons first... of course...

Here I am. At the point of almost launching my own website... . Finally... . Something I should have done way earlier. I guess... . For a while now already, people around me were telling me that i should put my work out into the world, taking my work and with that also myself more seriously. 'You have to have your own website!'
“you have to have your own website! just do it!”
ok... but how?
Where do I start? For sure it's all too complicated for me! I don't have enough work to show. It will probably cost a lot to make one. Let me just work on some other stuff first. And all that kind of self-doubt and excuses. The conclusion is very simple: 'Just do it, for god's sake!' Aaaarrrrgh!
well then... here i am!
After experimenting and messing around with an existing wix-template, I got myself a website, or at least somewhere to start from. For sure it needs still a lot of adjustments and fixes, but it's a start. Yeeeessss!! No blank website-paper anymore! And to keep us into the rocket-launching theme: